Friday, November 26, 2004

A Very Thanksgiving Indeed

Although I haven't eaten turkey (yet) I did have a nice Thanksgiving day. Chris made dinner for Bren and I, an Italian feast of spaghetti pie, garlic bread and salada which was delicious. I didn't gorge myself as much as on Thanksgiving so that is a plus. We did talk about the fullest we have been since living in Japan. Bren paid about 50000 yen to go on a trip to Kobe with her fellow employees. She attempted to get her moneys worth by eating as much Chinese food on a boat cruise that she could. After eating she immediately had to go to bed. My time was not too long ago in Masuda. I pigged out on kaiten sushi, I think I had about 6 plates and then went for 2 desserts at the most delicious bakery in Masuda. I had to crouch on my kitchen floor to make myself feel better before going to the Tamagawa onsen. After dinner at Chris's we went to do some pottery in Susa. Our teacher was a husband of one of Chris's conversation ladies. He is super cool. We made a few bowls and a few cups. After that all 6 of us lined up according to height, just for the heck of it. Kind of bizarre but hilarious. We looked like the Von Trappe family from Sound of Music and when that was mentioned we all busted out in a chorus of Do a Deer. After a few pictures and lots of laughs I went home. I was also able to call a few friends from home on their Wednesday night. They had been out drinking and were tanked. Slurring words and saying ridiculous things were apparent in all conversations I had. Hilarious.

Today I was at Ogawa Sho. Before class I am picked up from the office by a few students and then escorted to class. One of the little first graders, Takumi, always climbs on me like a little monkey. When I picked him up I felt something wet on my cheek. I disregarded it thinking it was saliva or water. When I got to class I wiped my face and it turned out to by yellowish green slime. Yes, I had his boogers on my face. I looked at his sleeve and it was covered with this same slime. I wanted to upchuck! But like the professional that I am I carried on teaching them about Thanksgiving while strutting around the class saying "Gobble, Gobble".


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