Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Susie and Jess's Visit

So after we went to Osaka I came back to Yamaguchi and the girls went to Kyoto for 2 days. Unfortunately they missed one of the most unique days I have had at an elementary school. My two smallest schools (one has 11 kids the other has 15) had a sumo competition. It was held at a temple and all the little boys wore traditional sumo gear. It was adorable, how they stomped around trying to throw eachother to the ground with their bums sticking out.

When Susie and Jess came back to Yamaguchi I tried my hardest to show them my normal life here. We went and bought Hagi-yaki, they did karaoke, they tried their hand at pottery and then even came to school and taught some lessons. Let's not forget trying all the delicious cuisine that Japan has to offer, teishoku, okonomiyaki, yakiniku and sashimi. I would have to say, it was rather successful.

Their final weekend they came to Hagi for a night out. We were joined by some other Hagi people as well as some folks from the south and had a rip roaring good time at the Bucket place. Good times are always had there. Then the next day we went camping in Ato with lots of Yamaguchians and some Shimane people. No sooner did we get there that I hit the wine bottle. People had been there all day so I figured I needed to catch up. After one bottle was finished, like and idiot, I scavenged around for more. This was my downfall. I hardly drink in Japan, so I should have called it quits there, but I kept going. A dance party pursued (thanks to a mix that Susie brought with her, and left for the enjoyment of other Yamaguchi parties) and we danced the night away. Tom Smith has some stellar dance moves, let me tell you! I suddenly realized that I was tanked and I allowed my friends to talk me into puking. Mind you, I have not puked in four years (the wonderful xmas party that my parents are so kind to remind me about and thoroughly embarrass me in front of whoever they can). So after I released my udon that I had for dinner I was off to bed in our Mongolian tents. Not before I gave Matt a hug (if that is what you like to call me sprawling my drunken self right on top of him) goodnight. I hear other things went on that evening but I am not one to spread gossip over the internet, so I will just tell you about my silliness. Hope everyone else had fun too!

Thanks for coming to Japan, Boozer and Bulldog!


Blogger Victoria said...

you have some smart friends convincing you to puke....mine on the other hand convinced me to climb the mountain with no water in sight.... baaaaaad hangover. It was fun dancing up the boys with you sarah. I look forward to many more :)

10:27 PM

Blogger mashio spillip said...

A hug goodnight? I think it as a little bit more than that McNamara but I'm not one to spread gossip on the internet so I won't say any more on the matter

10:50 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You get the award for best tourguide ever. Thanks so much for showing us a good time and the "real" Japan. It was so interesting. I'm envious of you and your friends, although I do like how Chipotle is just around the corner from me :-P

6:15 AM


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