Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Mame Maki

I feel the need for a cultural post. I am writing this on my blog more so that I remember it in the future than anything.

So February is the time for mamemaki. I knew of it last year, but couldn't grasp the meaning. With my 2 nensei class we did mamemaki (throw beans). I think Japanese people believe that there are many devils of evil things (just like they think there are gods for good things). So you write down your resolution, or what you believe your devil is on the face of a devil. For example, I said 'my devil is saying bad things' some of my students said that 'their devil is laziness'. So then after you write your devil on the paper you throw beans (usually soy) or nuts at it. This will apparently make it stop. While throwing the beans you sing a song. So that is the purpose of mamemaki. Much like a New Years resolution.


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