Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Through different eyes

Last week I had two friends from home (plus two of their friends) come to Japan to visit me.

On Tuesday, Amanda Kroll (friend from home since Jr High) and her friend Diedre came to Yamaguchi. We had quite a nice time. I had to work on Wednesday and Thursday unfortunately, but they were able to take the train to Tsuwano and relax a bit. Wednesday night I took them for yakiniku and bowling. Thursday they came to my pottery class. Friday they came to my Eikaiwa and we went kayaking and out to dinner with John and the hitchhiker that he picked up. So after their time here they both picked up two new hobbies, pottery and kayaking, that they are anxious to try when they get back to Ohio. It was great to see them both and hear stories from back home. It just reminds that I really do enjoy Cleveland and all my friends there. Sometimes you get in your head that things are better here and suck at home but it is nice to be reminded of the good things. Even if you are from Ohio, which isn't the most beautiful place in the world. Amanda and Diedre were amazed with the scenery here. I have definately started to take it for granted, driving through mountains and along the coast. They made me more aware of the beauty of the San-in Coast of Yamaguchi. I thank them for that.

As for John's hitchhiker. His name was Yoshi and he has been traveling along all the coasts of Japan since September of 2003. He is from Hokkaido and is on his final stretch home of his journey. The north coast of Japan. He told some funny stories and I wish my Japanese was better so I could have learned more about him.

On Saturday I dropped Amanda and Diedre off at Shinyamaguchi and picked up Elizabeth Millette (friend from university) and her friend Sarah. We headed to Akiyama sushi, only to find out that Sarah doesn't like any thing from out of the ocean. Although, she was a champ and ate a few things. After that we went for a hike at Chomonkyo and headed back to my house for the evening. Sunday we went kayaking, which they really enjoyed, and then off to Hagi. They loved the Hagi yaki. We visited the store that I usually go to and the ownser gives me 20% off, so if any of you come to Hagi and want to buy pottery, let me know. We also fed the tombis at Mt. Kasayama and met up with Bruce and Jeanette. It was nice to see Elizabeth and talk about our time at OSU together. They headed out on Monday to Kyoto.

So, it was great having friends visit Japan. Although the whole time they were here I became jet lagged and found myself waking up at about 6am everyday. Thanks for coming girls!


Blogger Dan said...

Sarah, it was nice to meet your friends. I hope they had a good time. "It is not until you see something through another persons eyes, that one gets perspective."

Peace out

7:37 PM


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