Wednesday, May 25, 2005


Things I don't miss about home:

1. terrible roommates
2. Cleveland winters (except on christmas)
3. frat boys
4. sorority girls (and all other college assholes)
5. rudeness and impatience
6. the lack of ocean and nice scenery
7. drama between boys and girls and friends
8. traffic
9. being scared of being attacked at night, and sometimes during the day (mainly at OSU)
10. locking doors
11. friends being too busy or unavailable
12. exams and studying
13. family drama
14. always being checked up on
15. strangers listening in on conversations
16. not being able to drink on the sidewalk or in a park
17. unhealthy food
18. McDonalds (even though it is here, but no where near my house)
19. Wal-mart
20. Rich people
21. SUVs
22. prejudice (although that happens here, i just can't understand what people say so I take it as a grain of salt)
23. ignorance
24. lack of humility
25. fear of nudity (for the onsen lovers of Japan)
26. terrible part-time jobs
27. teenage punks (although my kids are giving them a run for their money)
28. teenage pregnancy
29. Claires, Rave, Bakers Shoes, Things Remembered, Hot Topic, Abercrombie and Fitch and other annoying, unoriginal stores in the Mall
30. driving through bad neighborhoods at night


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