Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Tales of an Elementary Teacher

Everytime I go to elementary school something strange happens.


1. My 1 nen seis went to second base with me. I felt violated.
2. One of the 1 nen sei boys would come up to me every 5 minutes and ask me to hold his grasshoppers while he was off playing. I kindly declined saying "I don't need that". But he ended up putting it is his pocket as a better alternative.
3. After declining holding the grasshopper, a 4 nen sei and I tried to convince the little 1 nen sei to eat the bug. Unfortunately, he didn't.
4. While playing sumo wrestling with a bunch of boys one of the 1 nen seis would cry if he lost. Everytime. It was pathetic and he would only stop crying if the big kids let him win. What a baby!
5. The school yard has trees that are growing these dark berries. The kids like to play with them and squash the berries all over their hands. I saw 4 boys running my way with bright pink mouths and lips. I thought it was lipstick at first. Then I thought they ate these suspicious (if not poisonous) berries. It turned out it was to detect tartar on your teeth and the whole class had flourescent pink mouths.


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