Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Tagged again.

ok, ive been "tagged". the rules are that once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with "6 wierd things/habits/secrets about urself". In the end you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. (although "weird" is subject to opinion, I'll just share this with you today ^_-)

1. i have to blow my nose every time i wash my face
2. sometimes i swear at my students (not terrible words) and laugh because they can't understand
3. in the past i never thought i would be able to comfortably work with handicapped children, but i have proven myself wrong. i enjoy the special ed kids
4. when i was a kid i used to have to eat immediately after i woke up
5. i have seen nsync in concert
6 . my brother and i used to fight over the front seat (in the car), the couch and the TV so much that we had to work out a system. On even days of the month i got it all and on odd days he got it all. then to following year we would switch because there are more odd days than even.
*^_^*People i'm tagging;
1. Lou
2. Nicci
3. Perez
4. Spiller
5. Kermit the Frog
6. Santa Claus


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, you swear at your innocent students??! what a teacher!!!!!
actually i do that, too:P (in my head, coz they understand my language!)

7:28 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's hilarious - my Mom and Dad had the same even/odd day system for sitting in this one chair in our living room...great minds think alike!

12:07 AM


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