Cape Tribulation and Magnetic Island

Things seen in their natural habitat:
Wild Turkeys
Rainbow Lorikeets
Various other birds
Fruit Bats
Flying Fox
Reef Sharks
Napoleon Maori Wrasse
Various other tropical fish
Manta rays
Since writing about Cairns Kat and I embarked on a few other adventures. We rented a car for 3 days and headed up to the northern area in Queensland. Our first stop was Mossman Gorge for a rainforest hike. The we headed to Daintree National Park and took a cruise down the Daintree River which is known for its wildlife. We were able to see 3 crocs that day. Kat was a little scared, but seeing as they were only babies I was willing to risk my life to protect her! So we had a nice hour long cruise on the river.
After that we headed to Cape Tribulation for a few walks along the beach. It is stinger season up north, so there isn't much swimming to be done. But the coast is lovely. We spent a night at PK's Backpackers and then headed back to Cairns after a dip in a creek. The following day we drove around the Atherton Tablelands with our new buddies, Markus and Benedict. Twas nice to have new friends. We stopped by the Millaa Millaa falls and took a dip. That was what our day of driving consisted of, that and playing the animal alphabet game. Nonetheless it was a fun.
Kat unfortunately had to leave Cairns sooner than expected so I was left to fend for myself. Luckily I had a nice companion to spend my last week in Cairns with. After that I headed to Magnetic Island, which is where many Aussies go on holiday. It is a peaceful place surrounded by blue waters and unique bush. We (me and Paulina) swam and hiked and even saw Koalas in the wild.