My parents came to Japan for about 2 weeks. It was really great to see them and have them experience my life. I am glad they got to see that I am alright here, well taken care of etc. They did really well with the culture and the food. I was most worried about food, toilets and sitting on the ground. They ate sushi, had an enkai with my coworkers, came to school and experienced all things Tamagawa/Yamaguchi ken. Dad really got into sumo while he was here. There was a big tournament going on in Osaka.
On their last weekend here we went to Hiroshima. They visited the Peace Park and museum while I shopped. Then we met up and did some more shopping. The following day we went to Miyajima, an island near Hiroshima. We got off the boat and were immediately mauled by deer. We visited a few shrines and enjoyed the sights of the island. I recommend taking parents (or friends) there, it is a nice tourist trap that will give them a chance to see old structures. Then we got back on the boat and headed back to Hiroshima.
Overall it was really good to see them. My house feels empty without their 10 suitcases and airmattress, that my dad insisted on bringing. No futons for him. Thanks for coming, Mom and Dad