Hey good lookin, whatcha got cookin?

After the Routeburn, no sooner did I get off the trail, throw on some deoderant and change my clothes, then a bus came to pick me up to tour around the Milford Sound in Fiordland Nat'l park. Milford Sound isn't actually a sound (a valley cut by a river then filled up by the ocean) it is a fiord (a valley cut by a glacier then filled up by the ocean). It is one of the most scenic fiords in that area and many people go on boat tours for a couple of hours.
After going to Milford Sound I picked up my two new American friends and we headed to Dunedin. The only thing that we did in Dunedin was go to Otago Peninsula which was just nice. After days of rain it was sunny and we thought we would be able to see some penguins and albatross but unfortunately that costs $30 a pop so we skipped that. But we were lucky enough to get behind a farmer and his sheep. Most tourists pay to see the ins and outs of sheep hearding but we got a demo for free. One of those unique NZ experiences. Oh yeah, we also saw the steepest street in the world.
So now the money has run out and it is back to Christchurch for me to find a job. It will be a bummer not being able to see the North Island but I guess that is life.