The weekend report. Friday went down to Yanai to visit the folks from down there. We met up with Kat, Lauren and later on Kirk to have a hanami in Tabuse. The minute we got to the spot (at about 9:30) the lights went out. We were in pitch dark. Someone around there definately had something against us. But no worries, just down the river a little there was a nice patch with lights on to enjoy the hanami. Great conversation, a few drinking games and some sips of nasty wine later found us back at Kat's watching
Swing Girls. (a Japanese movie, it's worth checking out because JETs can relate to the school life and friends from home can see what I have to deal with day to day) The following day we had a wonderful lunch at Sanzoku. The weather couldn't have been better.
Saturday brought Gerard's birthday BBQ. It was a really good time with excellent people there. We ate, talked and laughed. Osamu gave a detailed explanation of his 'game' to Jo and I then ended up with his pants off. We watched Tom attempt to spit some 'game' to a J-girl, but it wasn't a pretty sight. The real low point was when he started singing to her whilst holding an giant Pikachu. Had a good time chatting with Selene and Paul. Brought me back to my first AJET event when we had a good time karaoke-ing together. Those two are always a treat. And got to play with an adorable 3 year old called Ma-kun who lives in Tamagawa. I think we will become the best of friends. Excited to see that bunch again next Saturday!!
Sunday, we met our pottery teacher at 10:30am to start our marathon of fun. Watanabe-san performed a traditional Japanese tea ceremony for us. It was really interesting. There are particular ways to pick things up, mix things, pass them out. A lot of rules but actually quite fun. He also had Bren, Chris and I perform the ritual. After that we made okonomiyaki. It was quite delicious and really nice to be in a real home. After cooking we went to Hagi to go bowling with the guys. (Watanabe-san, E-kun, Yassa, Ryu-chan all guys from pottery) I sucked, to say the least. Of the three games my high score was 47. Luckily Chris and Bren didn't put us western girls to shame like I did. After that we sang some karaoke (which is fun in the afternoon, Loz and Kat!!). By then it was about 6:00 and we headed home. Great happy it is spring.